#CODE = #B043 # Importing turtle library to draw "Happt Birthday" import turtle # Creating our turtle cursor to draw my_turtle_cursor = turtle.Turtle() # Creating a separate Canvas to draw "Happy Birthday" my_turtle_screen = turtle.Screen() # initializing a variable for co-ordinating y_coordinate = -125 # Creating a function to draw a circle on top of stick def draw_circle_on_top_of_stick(fill_color, border_color, x, y, radius): my_turtle_cursor.penup() my_turtle_cursor.pensize(3) # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(fill_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.fillcolor(border_color) my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.pendown() my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() my_turtle_cursor.circle(radius) my_turtle_cursor.end_fill() my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() def draw_candle_for_cake(fill_color, border_color, x, y): my_turtle_cursor.penup() # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(border_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.fillcolor(fill_color) my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.pendown() my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() # Drawing the first side of our Candle my_turtle_cursor.forward(25) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) # Drawing the second side of our Candle my_turtle_cursor.forward(60) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) # Drawing the third side of our Candle my_turtle_cursor.forward(25) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) # Drawing the fourth side of our Candle my_turtle_cursor.forward(60) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) my_turtle_cursor.end_fill() my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() # Creating a Function to draw stick on the candle def draw_stick_on_candle(fill_color, x, y, cursor_size): my_turtle_cursor.penup() # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(fill_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.fillcolor(fill_color) my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.pensize(cursor_size) my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() my_turtle_cursor.pendown() my_turtle_cursor.right(90) my_turtle_cursor.forward(12) my_turtle_cursor.end_fill() my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() def write_happy_inside_circle(text_color, x, y): my_turtle_cursor.penup() # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(text_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() my_turtle_cursor.pendown() my_turtle_cursor.write("Happy", font=("sans-serif", 26, "bold")) my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() def write_birthday_inside_circle(text_color, x, y): my_turtle_cursor.penup() # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(text_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() my_turtle_cursor.pendown() my_turtle_cursor.write("Birthday", font=("sans-serif", 26, "bold")) my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() def draw_stick(fill_color, border_color, x, y): my_turtle_cursor.penup() my_turtle_cursor.pensize(3) # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(border_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.fillcolor(fill_color) my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() my_turtle_cursor.pendown() my_turtle_cursor.left(180) my_turtle_cursor.forward(200) my_turtle_cursor.end_fill() my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() # Function to draw topping of our cake def draw_toppings_on_cake(fill_color, border_color, x, y, radius): my_turtle_cursor.penup() # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(border_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.fillcolor(fill_color) my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.pendown() my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() # Drawing a circle using circle function my_turtle_cursor.forward(10) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) my_turtle_cursor.circle(radius, extent = 180) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) my_turtle_cursor.forward(10) my_turtle_cursor.end_fill() my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() # Creating a Function to draw different layers of a cake def draw_layer_of_the_cake(fill_color, border_color, cursor_size, x, y, width, height): my_turtle_cursor.hideturtle() my_turtle_cursor.penup() my_turtle_cursor.pensize(cursor_size) # Changing color of our cursor my_turtle_cursor.color(border_color) # Changing fill color of the cursor my_turtle_cursor.fillcolor(fill_color) my_turtle_cursor.goto(x, y) my_turtle_cursor.pendown() # Starting the cursor to fill color my_turtle_cursor.begin_fill() for i in range(2): my_turtle_cursor.forward(width) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) my_turtle_cursor.forward(height) my_turtle_cursor.left(90) my_turtle_cursor.end_fill() my_turtle_cursor.setheading(0) my_turtle_cursor.getscreen().update() # Changing the background color of our canvas my_turtle_screen.bgcolor("#FFFDD0") # # Creating an empty list of different parts of our cake parts_of_cake = [] parts_of_cake.append(["#A020F0", "#000000", 3, 30]) parts_of_cake.append(["#55FF55", "#000000", 3, 20]) parts_of_cake.append(["#B87333", "#000000", 3, 60]) # drawing an plate for our cake using draw_layer_of_the_cake() function draw_layer_of_the_cake("#FFC0CB", "#000000", 3, -220, y_coordinate - 70, 400, 10) # Drawing different parts of our cake for parts in parts_of_cake: draw_layer_of_the_cake(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2], -135, y_coordinate - 60, 240, parts[3]) y_coordinate += parts[3] # drawing top topping of our cake draw_toppings_on_cake("#C20067", "#000000", -120, y_coordinate - 60, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#FFFF00", "#000000", -80, y_coordinate - 60, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#FF0000", "#000000", 25, y_coordinate - 60, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#0000FF", "#000000", 59, y_coordinate - 60, 10) # drawing middle topping of our cakes draw_toppings_on_cake("#FFA500", "#000000", -135, y_coordinate - 80, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#E4E6EB", "#000000", -135, y_coordinate - 100, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#FFA500", "#000000", -135, y_coordinate - 120, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#181A18", "#000000", -80, y_coordinate - 80, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#0000FF", "#000000", -65, y_coordinate - 110, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#FFD700", "#000000", -95, y_coordinate - 140, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#181A18", "#000000", 10, y_coordinate - 80, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#E4E6EB", "#000000", -20, y_coordinate - 110, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#181418", "#000000", 35, y_coordinate - 140, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#FFA500", "#000000", 75, y_coordinate - 80, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#E4E6EB", "#000000", 75, y_coordinate - 110, 10) draw_toppings_on_cake("#FFD700", "#000000", 75, y_coordinate - 140, 10) # Drawing candle on of our cake using draw_candle_for_cake() function draw_candle_for_cake("#FFF44F", "#000000", -40, y_coordinate - 60) # Drawing stick on top og uou candle draw_stick_on_candle("#181A18", -26, y_coordinate + 15, 7) # Drawing a stick for writing Happy Birthday draw_stick("#181A18", "#181A18", 0, y_coordinate - 60) # Drawing a circle on top of stick draw_circle_on_top_of_stick("#181A18", "#FFFDD0", 100, y_coordinate + 235, 100) # Writing "Happy" inside of our circle write_happy_inside_circle("#000000", -70, y_coordinate + 240) # Writing "Birthday" inside of our circle write_birthday_inside_circle("#000000", -80, y_coordinate + 190) # Calling done function at the end turtle.done()